Bourdj Hammoud Lebanon Yesterday
Bourj Hammoud (or Burj Hammud) (Armenian: ÕŠÕ¸Ö‚Ö€Õ³ Õ€Õ¡Õ´Õ¸Ö‚Õ¿, Arabic: برج Øموﺪ) is a suburb in east Beirut, Lebanon in the Metn district. The suburb is heavily populated by Armenians as it is where most survivors of the Armenian Genocide settled. Bourj Hammoud is an industrious area and is one of the most densely-populated cities in the Middle East.
The new urban neighborhoods built in Lebanon in the 1930s, located between Bourdj Hammoud and Dora: Nor Adana
Ariel view of the camps in Beirut. The broad field in the southwest was the site of the "Big Camp," destroyed by the 1933 fire. The three camps of Yozgat, Karantina-Amanus, and Maslakh form a horizontal line to the north.
View of Bourdj Hammoud, Lebanon in in 1932
Bourdj Hammoud around 1920, before the construction of urban neighborhoods there
The Pareshen neighborhood in Bourdj Hammoud in the 1930s
Nor Hajin
Nor Marash's church
The "White Homes" in Ashrafiye
The first houses being built in Bourdj Hammoud's Nor Marash neighborhood
The AGBU's Garmirian School, located north of Beirut, in Debbayeh
The Gullabashen neighborhood of Bourdj Hammoud
Nor Marash
Orphanage in Jbeil